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Proter open source software released

    Proter is an open-source discrete event simulation library for workflows, written in Scala. It is now available on GitHub and as a library on Maven Central under the Apache 2.0 license.

    Proter was initially developed for the simulation of logic-based workflows in WorkflowFM in the context of the DigiFlow project. It was then gradually separated into an independent project for general purpose process simulation. We are currently extending its capabilities to support BPMN models and other modern features.

    Jorge Gaete passes his second year PhD review

      Jorge Gaete successfully passed his second year PhD review on Explainable AI for healthcare. His panel consisted of Valerio Restocchi, Petros Papapanagiotou and Jacques Fleuriot. Congratulations to Jorge on becoming a senior PhD student.

      Petros Papapanagiotou presents our HICSS-54 paper

        Video presentation of our paper:

        Papapanagiotou P., Vaughan J., Smola F, and Fleuriot J. (2020). A Real-world Case Study of Process and Data Driven Predictive Analytics for Manufacturing Workflows.

        at the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-54). This discusses real-world results from the DigiFlow project, where WorkflowFM is used in a manufacturing setting.

        Colleen Charlton’s thesis is one of the outstanding Masters project of 2019/20

          Congratulations to Colleen Charlton, whose thesis entitled Building an Interpretable MachineLearning Classifier for the Prediction of Brain TumourSurvival is one of the outstanding MSc dissertation for the academic year 2019/20. Her project was in collaboration with Neurosurgery colleagues from the Usher Institute and was supervised by Jacques Fleuriot.

          Mark Chevallier passes his second year PhD review

            Mark successfully passed his second year PhD  review on formal verification applied to machine learning. His panel consisted of Pavlos Andreadis, Paul Jackson and Jacques Fleuriot. Congratulations to Mark!

            Imogen Morris passes her third year PhD review

              Imogen successfully passed his third year PhD  review on formalizing Euler’s Basel Problem. Her panel consisted of Alan Bundy, Nadin Kokciyan and Jacques Fleuriot. Congratulations to Imogen!