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Our formalisation of Linear Resources and Process Compositions has been published in the Archive of Formal Proof


    In this entry we formalise a framework for process composition based on actions that are specified by their input and output resources. We verify their correctness by translating compositions of process into deductions of intuitionistic linear logic. As part of the verification we derive simple conditions on the compositions which ensure well-formedness of the corresponding deduction.

    We describe an earlier version of this formalisation in our article Linear Resources in Isabelle/HOL, which also includes a formalisation of manufacturing processes in the simulation game Factorio.

    Our formalisation of Lie Groups and Algebras has been published in the Archive of Formal Proof


      Lie Groups are formalised as locales, building on the AFP theory of Smooth Manifolds. We formalise the diffeomorphism group of a manifold, and the action of a Lie group on a manifold. The general linear group is shown to be a Lie group by proving properties of the determinant, and matrix inverses. We also develop a theory of smooth vector fields on a manifold , defined as smooth maps from the manifold to its tangent bundle . We employ a shortcut that avoids difficulties in defining the tangent bundle as a manifold, but which still leads to vector fields with the properties one would expect. We then construct the Lie algebra of a Lie group as an algebra of left-invariant smooth vector fields.

      Schmoetten R. and Fleuriot J. D. (2024). Lie Groups and Algebras. Archive of Formal Proofs. ISSN: 2150-914x.