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Date: 25th March 2022
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: Hybrid Meeting (G.03)

Title: Sensing Enhancement on Complex Networks
Speaker: Guillermo Moreno
Sensing and processing information about uncertain environments is important for survival in many types of collectives in the animal world as well as in human populations. Refining information about a complex dynamic environment is particularly important if individuals’ sensing abilities are limited or information is highly complex and difficult to evaluate. In principle then, the quality of available information could be improved by pooling multiple individual estimates. However, this can also be achieved by information sharing between members of the population. Previous work has shown that communication between agents with some preference towards adopting the majority opinion can enhance the quality of error-prone individual sensing from dynamic environments. In this talk, I will show how sensing enhancement from group sensing depends on different parameters, such as the rate of sensing, the rate of change of the environment, and the type of complex networks that defines the communication channels between individuals. Numerical simulations on complex networks are complemented by a mean-field approach for limited connectivity that captures essential trends in dependencies