Title: Practical Ethics and the Need for Interpretability in Biomedical AI
Speaker: Lauren DeLong
I plan to submit a short essay on the need for interpretability in biomedical AI to the Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics essay competition. Practical Ethics is the dialog and debate between three major facets of ethics: egoism, which is the belief that one acts in self-interest, consequentialism, in which one acts to maximize benefit for society in the future, and deontology, in which right or wrong is determined by rules beyond self-interest or societal benefit. Specifically, I use these three facets to discuss ethical dilemmas in using black-box vs. interpretable models for healthcare and medicine. I imagine this will be a 10-15 minute presentation, and I would greatly appreciate any feedback from the group regarding counterarguments, rebuttals, or important ideas which I failed to cover.