Title: An overview of the ACRC New Technologies of Care Research plans
Speaker: Jacques Fleuriot and Petros Papapanagiotou
Abstract: The Advanced Care Research Centre (ACRC) is an ambitious £20m research programme funded by Legal and General to look at how care for the person in later life can be improved. It consists of 6 large research workpackages (WP) spanning the social sciences, health and care, artificial intelligence, engineering and much more, and of a PhD academy that will recruit and train 36 students over the next 7 years. The New Technologies of Care WP for its part will aim to develop practical, care-driven technologies that are fit for people in later life. In particular, this will mean exploring and developing sensor-specific data-driven IoT platforms that can produce accurate data about instant events (e.g. vital signs and serious incidents such as falls), short- term activities (e.g. those of daily living) and long-term pursuits (e.g. physical and mental activities over weeks and months) in order to extract (predictive) information and patterns that can be used, among other things, for the prevention of adverse events, adherence to care pathways and effective interventions.