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Lie Groups are formalised as locales, building on the AFP theory of Smooth Manifolds. We formalise the diffeomorphism group of a manifold, and the action of a Lie group on a manifold. The general linear group is shown to be a Lie group by proving properties of the determinant, and matrix inverses. We also develop a theory of smooth vector fields on a manifold , defined as smooth maps from the manifold to its tangent bundle . We employ a shortcut that avoids difficulties in defining the tangent bundle as a manifold, but which still leads to vector fields with the properties one would expect. We then construct the Lie algebra of a Lie group as an algebra of left-invariant smooth vector fields.

Schmoetten R. and Fleuriot J. D. (2024). Lie Groups and Algebras. Archive of Formal Proofs. ISSN: 2150-914x.